Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Thanksgiving Day

Hello everybody!
I don't know what it's coming, but this theme is more difficult than the last... Ok, no more complaints because I'm just enjoyng this thing to write... So, today I have to speak a little bit about the THANKSGIVING, the name is alredy self-explanatory, but here's some of the history about this celebration. Thanksgiving is an annual holiday which people thank God for the happiness an good things. There's a contradition about when, exactly, the tradional event started. In Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October, however, in the United States the celebration is on the fourth Thursday in November.

As I told before, thanksgiving is a tradional event, so there are some details they will always going through. The turkey, for example, means an offer and nearly 90 percent of Americans eat the bird (curiously, there's a national federation for the turkeys). They also have other traditional food like mashed potatos and pumpkin pie. It's the day for gather the family together, so normaly they cook together, in my opinion to be with your family makes you feel better, I think it's in this time when people realize how much someone means in their lives. The family being together it's an other symbol for the thanksgiving.
Of course there are people who prefers to stay in the church or alone to pray, probably it's a real religious thougths, maybe something is related to the beliefs. There are those ones who go to watch a parade. Parades are an integral part of the holiday in United States. New Yorks's Thanksgiving Day parade is the largest and the most famous one. Other way to thank for something is the volunteering, you can offer a dinner or just help someone in a community. It's the most beatiful gesture.
Here, in Brazil, we do have a day for Thanksgiving (I didn't know before searching), there's a law which established also the fourth Thursday in November. In our case, it was a diplomatic thing, because the an ambassador was in U.S. and saw the celebration. And it isn't a holiday. So, this idea of thank didn't work here.
I know it isn't Thanksgiving day yet, but I want to say what am I thankful for: I'm thankful for being alive, thankful for my family and the ones I love and I'm really thankful for having no regrets and only good things in my life. And how about you, what are you thankful for?


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