Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to erase the stressful part of your day

Hello again :D
Well, when I was thinking about what to write here today and it started to play a song on my mind: "I want to break free" from Queen, don't ask me why, but maybe we can give other meaning for this song. Whatever. We are here to talk about stress. So, have you ever heard someone saying "Hey, calm down, just breath!" or "Breath and count from one to ten!"? Okay, we both know that's just work when you got angry with someone or something in that moment. Then, the question is: what can we do to relieve our stress?

I coudn't find an easy answer, like those ones we love, just saying just do that and that and you'll see the results. I just found some tips and you can follow them to think when you are going to bed "Today was a good day, hope tomorrow gets better". Before we start, we have to remember that Stress is an emotional answer for the damages caused by the outside world, so my suggestions are based in how you can turn it off.

The first one is to Read a Book! I swear, is that simple. Sooner or later you will be so connected to the story and then we be distractive enough to forget some bad things. It would be my first choice, I like to read. The next is a habit to create, prepare the things you gonna use in the morning before you sleep and wake up 10 minutes earlier. The 10 minutes earlier are for a little work out, you gonna be more prepared for your day. Organizing your stuff you'll be more convinced that you're not forgetting anything.

You can also play some sports. Just choose one, anyone. It can be as simple as walking around or riding a bike. Just laugh and don't forget to smile. Try to say NO more often, it works. Go for a trip with some friends and talk a lot about everything. Drink just a little bit and dance all night long (but, please, don't use drugs!). Adopt a little dog or cat and enjoy all the friendship you can have and sing in the rain or even on a karaoke.

The most important is: never ever stop! In my opinion, if you forget to live you might get crazy. So, don't try it. Just remember your days as a kid, with no resposabilities and fears, and do it. Do all the things you want to. As Bob Marley used to sing "Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing is gonna be alright..."

That is it :D
I hope you enjoy each second from your stress relieved.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there!! Nice Tips Erica!

    I will start reading a book right now... kkk

