Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Need some therapy? Listen to music!

When I want to forget the world I just turn on the radio... I can feel better, for sure. That's why I think music has such a heal energy. And you can do a playlist by yourself, but take care because you can mess up some songs and then, you won't get better. Nowadays music therapy is the most chosen recipe. As all the other medicines, there are some contraindications, like some music can make you feel angrier or get crazier ( I didn't confirmed nothing yet...). But i want to talk about the good points of music therapy here, so let's go...

There is something something we have to consider: Music has a great effect on ours emotions. It's common we act using ou emotional part, like thinking with the heart, not with the brain. If you have a very hard decision to take you should listen to Joseph Haydn, it would help you to relax and focus in your problem.
In my opinioin, music can help people to don't give up, I'm sure about it, because I can find a courageous girl inside of me after listen some music. When you stop to hear a song and feel it you can imagine the situations the song is talking about and realize what you want for you. It's simple!
With no doubts we have to agree that when you are emotionaly okay, you are physically okay. So, with a simple songs recipe can make you enjoy more life, even live more. Music acts in our all body, influences our system, that's why Music Therapy give us a increase in life quality.
Therefore it's easier to breath listening to music!


A kit for me!

Hello everyone :D
I have to write the last week theme, I'm late again. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this text.
So, let's prepare a coma kit for someone... It would be better if I prepare one for myself, because I don't know everybody's likes and dislikes. First of all, we can't face this like tips, because people are differents, as the coma. We have to considere there are more serious coma cases. But, we gonna imagine that my coma is really simple and I could fell a lot of things (Please, God, don't ever thing I want to be in coma!).
As you are preparing my kit, you have to know th
at I HATE HOSPITALS, so you must bring me some flower or perfumes, maybe I could forget where am I. :D It is clear tha people in coma can hear. I love music, there a lot of them that make me remember something good, I would probably fell better. So, the realy first item is a CD with songs I like!

I like my teddy bears, most of them my sister gave to me, and there is a big mokey
that a friend of mine gave to me! I would like to have him by my side... I use to sleep with him, so, if I will sleep for a long time it's better have a teddy bear with me. I also like reading, just bring me a book, and read it, of course.

You can bring the series I watch, I would love to listen to it. :D And, how about you drescribe the scenes? Perfect, I know! I really like to take pictures, I like to search them... A good place is full of beautiful images.

I'm not too demanding (am I?), but here are the things I enjoy living, I don't know about being in a hospital for a long time, but I would like to have the things I said with me. And how about you? How would be your kit?
